This site is not intended to offer medical or psychological advice. We recommend you talk to your doctor, pharmacist or stop smoking service for professional guidance. Additionally, there are many valuable resources available online to help you find the best support for your country’s relevant stop-smoking service for support in quitting to unsmoke today.

Some quit-smoking aids have nicotine in them. These products are called nicotine replacement therapy (or NRT). Others do not contain nicotine and come as tablets. Depending on the type of product and country, these cessation aids might be available over the counter at pharmacies or supermarkets or require a prescription.
Whatever the method, what matters most is quitting.
Below are some examples of smoking cessation aids:
• Patches
Nicotine patches release nicotine into the bloodstream through the skin.
• Gum
Nicotine gum releases nicotine as you chew, which is then absorbed through the lining of the mouth.
• Lozenges
Nicotine lozenges release nicotine as they dissolve in the mouth.
• Therapies without nicotine
They come in the form of tablets and are usually prescription only.